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File: 1721913169386.jpg (763.03 KB, 1289x2224, __furude_rika_higurashi_no….jpg) IQDB


I can hear cicadas crying from my window.
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No, Hinamizawa


These are my favorite Higurashi songs.


But ooishi isn't singing


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I'm reading the VN right now!

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 No.10308[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

tengu summer edition
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can't bump sigh


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lazy woofer weekend


bocchi za alien


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I want a thread for my favorite love live idol
She's the cutest and even her fanbase is good, she gets the usual idol doujinshi and on top of that there are a bunch of wholesome books about just her retiring and marrying and being a cute caring wife and I like that.
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A magical happy smile


powerful nontan smile


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powerful nontans

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got rum raisin and bunny grahams nen having sunday afternoon ice cream


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Enjoy the fun fun ice cream nen

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meow meow rin birthday!
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cute meow meow hoshirins


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Meow meow maracas


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sleepy rin


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i like orange cat and so does hanayo

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It's up.

Please comment any feedback or concerns. I'll try to get formatting tags and other gaps fixed in the coming days.
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Happy nenday!


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Happy birthday nen!


Wow another nen birthday, happy birthday nen I love you


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happy birthday nen


happy canada day

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why is rui on kakashinenpo?



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ten nen GET



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 No.9484[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Enjoying the spring.
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Ordered a nenpizza for lunch and dinner


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swirly teto


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bye bye spring

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share pictures with nenfrens
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this made me so hungry..




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saw a sleepy bun enjoying the nice weather on a ledge


Wow lucky find, I wish I could see a sleepy bun



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