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This is a Moriya site. Please remember to donate and pray to them. Donations of liquor are preferred, though just about anything is accepted.
Oh, images are always welcome to show your faith for these powerful and benevolent goddesses!


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Put the frog friends down gently




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the hats eyes doe

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 No.7654[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Staying warm preparing for winter with friends
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minecraft miku monday


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Waiting easy on the new thread


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Should I make the new thread?


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Waiting warmly


bye bye frieren thread

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Happy new year /nen/!



Happy new year nenfrens


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Happy new year!


new year nen pizza


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it's the first dya of the month!
RABBIT RABBIT for good luck
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birds eat bugs


Scared of bugs


wriggle is a nice bug


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rabbit rabbit


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Rabbit Rabbited

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found this cute on twitter




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bocchi is powerful

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happy birthday ren


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Happy birthday Ren! I hope shes enjoying the steam sale


Happy birthday


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The 1700000000 era begins soon. Are you prepared?
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bought a steen deck to herald the new age


hope its a nice 1tb oled model


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512GB because I'm a hacker who doesn't like etched glass. Saved the extra money for games. I can upgrade it later if I don't like the way it ends up looking.


hooray. i still need to look at black friday deals to see if theres anything interesting that will be worth braving the crowded stores


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Nenly nens hacking

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>>6 's sister thread

Pages, panels, crops. Discussion?
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Love to have fun.


Having fun on fridey

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 No.6734[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Enjoying autumn with friends
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I hope the pumpkin curse will remains locked to this thread


Until next year when they return to spook nenly nens


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bun with bun


Fantastic choice of colours.

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 No.6[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Delta woofer weekend


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going to miss the autumn leaves


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