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 No.13030[Last 50 Posts]

2024 is almost over get your nens in


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I hope 2025 will be a very nenly year


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hoping for a sutekiwi nen year


wow what a sutekiwi image


very cute nenly end of 2024


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sneaky lucky ribbit spotted


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Let's keep having fun together in 2025, too!


love having fun with my friends on nen


Midnight here, happy new year!


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happy nen year


happy new year


I'm cooking a new years eve nenpizza


yummerz enjoyee


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happy new years nen!!!


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My first nen of 2025


nice and warm


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saw lots of nice woofers on my walk earlier nen


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woofer whursdays


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silly snake saturday


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kon kon nen it's very cold out today so I've got the comfy fluffy socks on


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nendogs howling at the cold winter night nen


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She looks so sad.


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Went to the park and the birds pooped all over my car


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too cold nen didnt spot any bunners on my evening walk


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she is about to girl band cry because she didn't know the joys of nen at the time


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love a nice girls band cry


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dreamed about target nen


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cold today nen now I'm hiding under the kotatsu where it's warm and nice


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sounds cozy!


nennapped a little too long but it's okay


have been nennapping too much recently and messing up my sleep schedule


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I got sent to the back of the line for the pokemons queue…


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foggy frog tuesdays


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nensnacking on caramel popcorns


yummers had kettlecorn as a late nite snack


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foggy frog tuesdays into warm woofer wednesdays followed by easy turtle tortoise thursday and wrapping up the week with rainy kon kons

this has been your nencast for the rest of the week


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wow happy forecast to you too


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sigh no silly snake saturday this week i guess maybe next week


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night turtle tortoises winning the Thursday midnight circuit


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feeling sick, nen


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thank you


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supposed to be a mega snow tonight, I'm excited to see what tomorrow will look like


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kon kon nen


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There's a snowman outside nen he's just standing there…


cute froggy wish it was snowing here too


saw midnight nenbunnies flooping around in the snow on my walk


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floopy snowbunnies, I haven't seen one but I did see some suspicious tracks


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just knew it would be a silly snake saturday


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the nendogs and the nenfrogs


woofer ribbit weeknend


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going to have to be laundry tuesdays all out of the comfy fluffy socks


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the big cheese


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bug style


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stay warm


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sigh nen wish there was still nice pumpkins everywhere sigh sigh sigh




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too dang cold nen


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time to retreat under the nenkotatsu where it's nice and warm


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little kon kon so happy to get its nenpizza


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extremely cold kon kons


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cold and windy here as well, comfy scarf saturdays


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happy caturday


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got the purin banner


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cold winter day nen


too chilly almost froze going outside to get the mail


sigh same scary ice everywhere


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scary miku


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Brought a nice little woofer soft it's fluffy


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woofers are nice


yeah woofers are nice horses are nice too


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I saw it snowed on the gulf coast, shocking!


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Help there's still snow outside


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The time of the Cirno has finally come


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curry day nen and it's woofer wednesdays what a nice day


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sleepy rupa nensdays


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nice, haven't eaten curry in a long time

sigh wish there was a Rupa in my life


getting sick again


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Big rupa hugs


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Sending wishes for good health in your direction!


feel better fren


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woah look at her go


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goof band cry


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kon kon


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kon kon kinyoubi nen


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weekend nenpizza time


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Woofer yummerz


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big kotori love


mofu mofu


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rotten miku


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nice little nendogs


went for a nice nightnenwalk


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thinking about silly little meowmeows


Mysterious slimes


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love silly meowmeows


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heading out for a nice woofer wednesday nenwalk


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had oatmeal with bananice for lunch nen


snows coming nen


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froggy frog february is also coming too


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ribbit ribbit


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geko geko


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foxy froggy fridays


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kon kon froggy fridays


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nennapped too hard


same now I'm drinking a nice midnight coffee


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snow is coming nen


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nendogs or nenfrogs the choice is yours nen


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woofer weekends froggy fridays it doesnt have to be one


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nendogs sounds like a slur


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yeah its nenliest that way


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dont think nenwolfs mind being called nendogs even if its technically incorrect




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yummy nenflies and nenggots and nengrubs


most of those things aren't very nenly or cute


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to nen or not to nen


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cute and pretty


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snow day nen


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File: 1738610053752.png (1.72 MB, 1818x2551, 18c116eddcb5983667645067d7….png) IQDB




File: 1738674056861.png (43.79 KB, 845x655, Giqtl0abYAIy6rt.png) IQDB

Too hot where did winter go?


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release the softs


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very cute time to snuggle up with the softs and stay nice and warm


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hiding from the snow with warm softs


sneaky kotori soft photobombing


silly birb


silly sneaker snuck by me


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send in the softs


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this horse is up to no good


silly hors


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The aircon is back on…


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Freak warm front coming through here, it's fogging on the outside of the windows.


yeah wish it was snowing instead of yucky and warm out…


File: 1738858203815.jpg (115.85 KB, 850x1106, __shibuya_kanon_tang_keke_….jpg) IQDB

still too cold here


File: 1738868573022.jpg (256.58 KB, 1514x1500, 805f044a68ce34ce9932c4254f….jpg) IQDB


wonder if ivysaur is a soft or a scaly


plant friends are nice and soft


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kon kon nen it's very cold out so I'm staying inside and nensnacking


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File: 1739041718020.png (228.14 KB, 500x500, __momose_ginko_and_anyoji_….png) IQDB

extra prepared


there's a star-nen waiting in the sky


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stay warm fishe


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very cute


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File: 1739141443069.png (329.2 KB, 650x773, e0e83068de6833883a0567bc8e….png) IQDB

Forgot to nen today.


Are you going to be okay?


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File: 1739198063996.jpg (891.86 KB, 1200x1200, 127106504_p0_master1200.jpg) IQDB

happy miku monday nen


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Maybe? I have some extra nenning to do today to catch up.


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pretty konkon eveneng


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too cold nen


File: 1739386838179.jpg (355.91 KB, 2048x1536, 3cc2704e5bb87b627162127144….jpg) IQDB


fell asleep crying thinking about all the nice animal friends in the cold and snow


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happy warm frens


File: 1739435972721.jpg (963.29 KB, 1800x2048, 127088575_p0.jpg) IQDB

time for nice hidamaris


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Winter is back


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stay warm sleepers


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big rupa big warm big love


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bug style


File: 1739501674603.jpg (89 KB, 833x1267, 20250213_183803.jpg) IQDB

love bug style


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kon kon kinyoubitines day


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kon kon valnentines


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just enjoyeed my weeknend pizza time to game


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hi how are you
thank you


Enjoyee your gaming too!


nice kon kon kinyoubitines nen


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just visiting all the old boards once again


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extra easy weeknend


cozy caturday


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nice to meet old friends


old friends old nens


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but this is new nen?


old nens new nens and nice awoofers


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eat yummy cats


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too cold nen


cold want warm


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woofers seek the weekend


wish it was a woofer weekend already


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squiggler awoofer


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sigh awoofers and their silly card games


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oh no


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What's she going to do with that memory stick?


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really like custom earmuffs


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Install the latest and greatest Windows 11 for safe and nenly computing.


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hug woofers love woofers


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warm woofers help keep the cold at bay


yeah they do nice and warm woofers


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kon kons


cute sweater


cute kon kons cute sweaters cute ribbons it's a nice and cute fridey


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late night nendancing


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caturday dancing


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Her outfit kinda looks like player 2 reimu


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froggot to nenpizza maybe next week


sigh same here nenpizza pizza party next weekend


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extra sick the last few days nen spent most of today in bed again after trying to get an early start sigh


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sigh stay warm and hope you feel better soon


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playing a lot of mahjong lately nen but I'm tired and make a lot of avoidable mistakes


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don't understand mahjong but bet she's being a goof


you've heard of miku mondays but have you heard of teto tuesdays


File: 1740516632869.jpg (57.34 KB, 810x823, 124d7b096de618c0af2f182a90….jpg) IQDB

I love Teto!!



Remilia almost completed the special Kokushimusou/13 Orphans hand (one of each of the honor tiles, 1-tiles, and 9-tiles, plus an extra 1 of any of the aforementioned tiles). This is would be worth maximum points. If anyone discarded the 1-Sou/Stick tile or she drew it herself, she could declare the win.

However, another player discarded a Haku/White Dragon tile. Remilia should've ignored the discard, but instead, she took the discard to make a triplet of the Haku/White Dragon tiles. These 3 tiles are revealed and locked in her hand for the rest of the game. Now she can't make the Kokushimusou/13 Orphans special hand, and instead has to try for a regular hand of 4 triplets plus a pair, which she isn't even close to completing.


File: 1740536183260.png (1.11 MB, 1600x1000, 127590169_p9.png) IQDB

mahjong expert


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woofers are important


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Anime girls and organic chemistry, sigh.


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nothing nice or nenly on thursdays


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kon kon nen the weekend nenpizza pizza party begins


File: 1740792286808.jpg (76.54 KB, 850x1200, __senko_sewayaki_kitsune_n….jpg) IQDB

kon kon


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Friyay konkons are here


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File: 1740859323926.png (1.21 MB, 2350x3000, 127764342_p0.png) IQDB

angry reimu


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File: 1741006268557.gif (1.3 MB, 720x720, mikuroll.gif) IQDB


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look at her go


File: 1741029872648.png (467.81 KB, 444x1000, 4193a6a44870c80412ceaa2385….png) IQDB


Guess it's time to start getting Beach Body Ready™


It's still cold out


nothing less nenly than hurting a fren nen


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File: 1741095641287.jpg (107.67 KB, 850x850, __kurosawa_dia_love_live_a….jpg) IQDB

stay warm


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she's eating him


snack friend


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big snow storm nen


File: 1741191012675.jpg (1.04 MB, 1656x2048, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_dra….jpg) IQDB

someone called me scary today nen. be afraid~


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scaryfrens are sometimes nice too


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im sure you're not scary sometimes people misunderstand and misattribute scaryness to things that arent scary


nico is definitely still scary


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every time you say Nico is scary, vampire NicoMaki gets 1 step closer to revival!


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Nozomi is the scary one: >>6592


File: 1741291323315.jpg (120.01 KB, 850x1284, __ayase_eli_love_live_and_….jpg) IQDB

waiting warmly for nozomi to visit nen again


File: 1741296438921.jpg (686.51 KB, 1094x1200, 127906874_p0_master1200.jpg) IQDB

no tetos on teto tues instead there's scary nicos


File: 1741303363522.jpg (54.64 KB, 800x800, Patchuchu.jpg) IQDB


there's a fat robin sitting on a tree branch outside


had a nice teto i saw but froggot to post it


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sleepy eepy konkon


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love sleepy eepy konkons


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what books have nen read recently

i just finished remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro which was really moving. didnt know it won a nobel prize until after i finished it but i can see why. i really enjoyed the first person narrative by the reserved butler and how he slowly realized how being reserved had led to regrets in his life. it was really tragic and sad. it made me want to be more honest and bare about my feelings and thoughts. i just got pale view of hills by him from the library and am excited to read it and see how similar or different it is as his first published novel. i want to read the rest of his books but i hope they are a bit more optimistic and happy


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I've been reading Man in the High Castle, I think I enjoy works like that too but I don't want to get too bummed out on the way to wanting to improve


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Hyperion. I really liked the first chapter, the rest was okay, but it ended in the most annoying way possible. I will probably read its continuation because it was recommended to me, otherwise I would not just because of the lame cliffhanger ending.


mokou is the coolest


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Recently read the Liveship Traders books, they were pretty good.

I liked both the Hyperion books.


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miku mar10 monday


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frogot about other Miku day…


wow back to back miku days


miku march it's official


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I'll make sure to read the second book then.


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nico is kinda an alternate colorstyle miku if you think about it


A scary Miku…


thought it was getting warmer nen now it's cold again burrr


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not over yet


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You can't just go around calling any anime girl with 2 bundles of hair an alternate colorstyle Miku! It's not right!


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nina is kinda a rocker miku if you think about it


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nice teto on teto tues




hmm you're right shes more of a rocker teto


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nen nen I love you nen


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happy lucky beast and nens


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birds were chatty this morning nen


birds are nice


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three pairs of glasses what a goof


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kon kon friday and oomi day tomorrow wow


Her birthday is tomorrow!


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kon kon


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bought anime dvds to watch on the ps2 nen


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Oh no…


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