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their game sends you to china



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 No.970[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does nen watch non-airing anime still
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very scary


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what kinda woofers are these


They are oinkers. (The picture is from The Tale of The Princess Kaguya.)


silly little oinkers

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 No.11285[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

beach body edition
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strange meow meow


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beach bodies are over time for autummies


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Little bit of rain today.

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 No.6459[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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having fun and taking it easy!


love having fun and taking it easy


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but when used as a noun what does it mean?


nen is one of those words that can't be simply defined. Similar to philotimo.


3am bunnies

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even if nanaposter is missing i must still charge my usamin power
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sometimes you can forget to charge up and end up taking it too easy or not easy at all


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made it, thanks usamin


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Happy for you


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time to charge up nen


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Taking it easy with the bunnies.




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 No.832[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

check out this cute bote. that's all, thanks for your time
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Wow hat cat


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Or maybe sad images that are also a bit happy
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i think its

1 4
2 5
3 6


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Oh no…


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 No.57[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's America day! I hope my fellow nenmericans are eating at least one burger to celebrate!
You can post cute girls eating other foods, too!
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Love seeing mysteries solved


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what a fern


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Let's go stargazing. Is this thing on?
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Haven't seen a lot of stars


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i went out nencamping 3 or 4 times so far and got lucky with clear skies for most of the days


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That sounds so nice!


Stargazing a lot lately nen


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wish I could do more stargazing but there's too many streetlights around here

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