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Happy friday, good job doing your best last week
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Seems I have avoided my fate…this time.



nensnacking on 50% off fridey chocolate bears


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was going to make a weeknend pizza but i checked the freezer and realized i froggot to buy one


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whem my brain hurty I like posting cute things they make me happy
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wish there was midnight buns here too


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the sound reminds the bun of when it fell off the moon and hit the earth




tonight we rabbit rabbit the biggest rabbit there is to rabbit rabbit


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Big rabbit rabbit day

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 No.12169[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Taking it easy with the autummy!
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waiting until after newyear to take down christmas stuff


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I did see someone who left their giant halloween skeleton up and put a santa hat on him, it was silly and cute.


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what does nen mean, why are you calling me that?


It's an affectionate nickname formed from Kakashi Nenpo.

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Cinnamoroll and Miku.
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Cinnamoroll has put on weight…


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nice little woofer


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nom nom nom


silly cinnamoroll thats not how you eat a submarine sandwich

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I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.


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Snuggle up with your nenpos under the nenkotatsu where it's nice and warm and nenly


um hi


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spent an hour daydreaming what it would have been like to have a younger sister had it been a normal pregnancy instead of an ectopic one and needn't have been terminated

she would have been almost 18 today

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 No.667[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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just learned aqours is having their final live sigh


time sure flies


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I remember when Sunshines were the new kids on the block, now they're already graduating…


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really liked hoshirin and hanamaru who was inspired by her but kinda fell behind on who picked up the hoshirin mantle in the newer love lives…


what if hoshirin was a hoshirin and hanamaru was a hanamaru

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Nenposting on
h t t p s colon slash slash
kakashinenpo, no dash!
dot com!
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safely and securely nenposting



I don't watch vtubers but it looks like you're all having fun over there.


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wow I didn't know there were itsuten names on /nen/

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bun was here, you guys are fake news


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bunmin but its nenbunnymin


where are my replies you bunnies


please understand


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bunnies are preparing please be patient and wait warmly


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 No.5929[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

thinking about junnananas
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sigh sounds nenly


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thinking about getting a new scarf to avoid the fall chills


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sounds like fun i could use a nice comfy fluffy scarf


thinking about how cute and nice nenbunnies are


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listening to nostalgic horie yui songs and thinking about how young she sounds compared to now sigh

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