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File: 1700740287023.jpg (237.33 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Uma Musume - ….jpg) IQDB

 No.7713[View All]

anime 2 >>6
428 posts and 303 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1732598922349.jpg (148.67 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Kinoko Inu - ….jpg) IQDB


mega cute


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There's 3 "n" characters in a row because to type the "ん" character using alphabet input you use "nn". So へんにゅう is input as hennnyuu!


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this dog is silly


nice little nendog


silly mushroom


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Was wondering why there were no Re Zeroes the last couple weeks, looks like we're waiting until February.


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lots of meowmeow snacks


wowzers what a nensnacker


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cute eyes cute hair


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happy new year, nen


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new year new deer


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nakayoshi snacks


Salzburger Nockerl


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kon kon kinacakes friday


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Mysterious belly-writing fox


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thanks Maki


Inspiring and cute


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nensnack sharer


very nenly of her


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these girls are silly


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Finally watched look back nen. I missed it when it was in theaters last year because it didnt show anywhere near me so I kinda got bummed and forgot about it.

I really loved the soundtrack and how it told the story visually. Apparently the director also did flip flappers which was one of my favorite shows from that season. Definitly the best thing I've seen so far this year.


Haven't seen it flip flappers was nice


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RIP T-800 Ball


I wonder what it is about this scene that randomly ends up in anime, of course the movie is just awesome but you see this one all over.


Not sure but it's a good scene, and easy to reference without having to alter character designs. I've seen it in video games too.


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started watching the golf goof show


love golf goofs, they have funny faces and play sports for fun


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penkichi love


how can she be a golf goof and a penguin girl at the same time


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She is the successor to the Penguin of the North Pole golfing style! or maybe just a goof


Wowzers Penguin of the North Pole and she's even a question mark girl too, what can't this girl do


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so amazingly good
so many hand holding scenes
debut work for the main characters' VAs, too, apparently


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You are NOT going to believe what happened to the golf goof!
Quite possibly one of the most amazing life experiences a person can have!

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