>>11265sniping moving targets with the crossbows is satisfying too
>>11280I didn't beat this game but I enjoyed how
cool a lot of it was, unfortunately I kept losing focus every time between missions and eventually gave up. The giant mining rig at the beginning was seriously
cool hope the
frogmen are helpful.
>>11342Live long and prosper v
Watching trailers for new games at gamescom nen
>>11508Good luck the game has some really pretty places and great music
>>11569I wanted to play these because the items were supposed to be like Diablo but I just played Diablo instead.
>>11569Ended up buying Sekiro after reading on some reviews of people comparing Nioh 2 to Sekiro and them saying that the combat, story and overall gameplay are *better* in Sekiro don't know how much of that holds up it just seemed like a safer purchase but from what I saw I prefer Nioh 2's graphics to those of Sekiro especially weapon design and models.
>>11608Have fun sekiro is hard and there's scary snakes
>>11608Play both desu, they're cheap on sale. Sekiro's gameplay is very different and mastery comes down to learning how 2 parry gud. As an action game progress is gated by skill with the fat of stats and gear trimmed off. It is a game you can pick up, learn, and complete. Limiting itself to the sword means they can focus everything on refining how it feels and the options you can take. Combat is very tight and feels good.
Nioh and Sekiro are superficially the same in that they both feature sword fighting Youkai in 16th century Japan. Nioh offers a completely different experience and one that is all about the RPG statsheets, refining builds, and the over the top shinto sword fantasy bullshit. The story is
pretty simple with your character being a mute, and you follow along Nobunaga's conquest of Japan with other characters over the some 50 years in game; you'll enjoy it if you are a nerd for Japanese history and can recognize the names.
Where it really differs from Sekiro is in the difficulty and New Game progression. Sekiro follows typical FromSoft NG+ where some minor drops change around and things are a little harder; Nioh on the otherhand, doesn't really start until NG+ where builds actually come into importance with new item rarities, bosses, difficulty, and item crafting options. Nioh also has fashion capability and equipment remodeling (you can have item A's stats with item B's appearance), there's a lot of customization you can put into your dude/gal.
Nioh's graphics has a bit of a problem in that the Japanese are allergic to anti-aliasing, if you have an Nvidia card you can do the built in DLSS, but if not then you'll need to get used to not having anti-aliasing (super obvious on the shinobi set's fishnetting) or trying hacky reshade workarounds.
>>11509I did it, turns out last time I quit right before you get to the open field area where you can ride the chocobos and do monster hunting quests, I liked that part of the game a lot better.
I thought Sazh and the
cactuar getting in a fight for no real reason was funny.
>>11656Cactaurs are
cute but giant cactuars are scary
>>12415enjoying it so far!
playing the new life is strange nen love these games
>>12518wowzers when did you buy those
sigh 30 years of nice games on nice playstation nen
>>12961TL NOTE: harakiri means "belly cutting", a traditional form of Japanese ritual suicide that involves stabbing yourself in the belly with a short sword or knife while a trusted assistant chops off your head with a long sword.
playing saturday evening nentendo
>>13114don't want to get beat up by scary miku
played a player versus player match
they added miku to fortnite and i really want to get her nen
>>13284become the Lego migu
Playing the new Monster Hunter nen it's lots of fun to explore and see all the nice new stuff