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/snow/ - Eternal Spirit of Winter

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Sad girls in snow, happy girls in snow, snowy forests, snowy mountains, snowy photos, snowy screenshots…
All snow-related things welcome!

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First snow of the year on the mountains.
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It snowed yesterday!


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Sigh I miss the snow…


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its too hot nen i need snow


Snowed nen. It's still on the roofs.


snowed for christmas nen

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Never fret, frinens, snow is coming and it will be coming soontm. For now we must channel /snow/ energy through the esoteric power of winter girl love!


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I hope it snows soon.


It finally snowed where I lived! It was brief, but for a dozen or so minutes the rain turned to snow. I just wish there wasn't so much rain in the forecast…


stay dry


waiting coldly for snow


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It's safe now.
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I want to move somewhere with snow…
I remember playing in the snow as a kid and then coming inside snow-blind and warming up by the fire. That was such a long time ago…


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Theres going to be a big snowstorm tonight into saturday they say nen


Woke up this morning and saw snow in the forecast, but then I went back to sleep and there was no snow ;_;


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Still lots of snow even though its spring… hurry up lily…


Won't be long before the snow returns

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Dreams of snow to avoid the hot weather


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I hate this hot weather! I can't take it easy like this!




miss the snow…


The big snow mountain in the grocery store parking lot finally melted. I guess spring is officially here

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Snow has melted…

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I will plunge the Earth into eternal winter! The next ice age is upon us!


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I miss the snow too…


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Thank you for your blessing, OP.

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