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/gen/ - Gensokyo

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If anyone was wondering, that new board mentioned earlier is 04.sbs


private now


Yeah, it was a strange choice by the admin… I have the information to access the board and permission to share it. I'm a bit reluctant to post it, even if it probably wouldn't cause any problems.


if you did admin would just change it and kick you


/gen/ doesn't seem to appear on search engines. But I don't know the reason behind the admin's actions so I shouldn't give advice on the matter. I didn't even use the board either, so I don't have stake in it.

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So nen2 is a nen spinoff, which in turn was an ota and bun spinoff, which are both /jp/ spinoffs, which was an /a/ spinoff and /a/ was a /b/ spinoff. Just how deep the rabbit hole goes I wonder.


if you move the 2 from nen2 to the front (2nen) and read it in jap you get funen


You're missing that ota2 was a spinoff of ota1 and that /b/ came from SA. That's as far back as I can go though, everything else was before my time…


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I have this, but it omits the /jp/ verse.


It's not a rabbithole. Nenmin, the original one made a board that split from the rest and made its own niche, own style. Original nenmin was a visionary, may his name be written in gold forever and ever.
I love original nenmin who had the guts to make something original and groundbreaking in the sea of "I got banned from 4chan" spinoffs


the passion of nenmin

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Hyphnenmin… Please put the Originen archive somewhere… I can't find it easily on pissu… I have it, but I feel it is important for it to be readily available.


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hyphnen oldnen newnen nen1 i cant keep up


Yeah, I fucked up.
kakashi-nenpo= oldnen, originen, nen1, hyphnen, dashnen…
kakashinenpo= newnen, neonen, nen2, compoundnen…


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She looks like shes still floating around on my machine. Have you tried restarting?

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I think I can finally move on from 4/jp/. I desperately wanted it to be not shitty. It felt too sad to abandon a place I once loved and spent so much time with. I'd like to say it got worse, but I think it's more that I got better. Looking back, most of the time I made my own fun or just enjoyed posting images I liked. I really enjoyed playing games with them. That might be what I miss the most.
I'll have to go back to decide the fate of the VN club, but after that… I'll have no reason to return.

Thank you nen and nen2min. I couldn't have done it without you.


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I've been posting exclusively on splinters for at least the past 8 years. Mainstream boards are a bit too fast and feel a bit impersonal. Splinter boards have a nice balance of anonymity and a level of personal interaction that I can handle thats less than named communities.


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>Mainstream boards are a bit too fast and feel a bit impersonal.
I agree. Popular boards are too much for me to keep up with. It's easier to feel a sense of belonging on these smaller boards.

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Not going to post or check out that site but the logo looks like the Revolt logo

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Woah, Kyou looks like a lesbian!

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another new board huh? time to degen


it isnt new…


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Post something cool!



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Palauchan 🏝️
Board creation is enabled.

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